Child Protection & Safe Guarding

Child Protection & Safe Guarding

The Council has a range of duties and responsibilities in relation to the child protection procedures for all pupils which includes having regard for their right to be protected from harm and abuse.  The school’s duties and responsibilities for this are set out in the Edinburgh and Lothians Child Protection Committee’s ‘Child Protection Guidelines’ which are used by all Midlothian schools and our partner agencies. 

In circumstances where a school has a concern that a child or young person has been (or is at risk of being) harmed or abused, the school is required to pass information to the Police, Social Work Department and Health colleagues who have a legal duty to investigate further.  While we always endeavour to work in an open manner with parents and guardians, there are some circumstances when it may not be appropriate to inform the parent or guardian that a Child Protection referral has been made or that information has been passed on to these agencies.  Under these circumstances, the decision as to when and how parents and carers will be informed is the responsibility of the Police, Social Work and Health Services as part of their investigation and the school will be informed by these services of the action that they have taken. 

Should you wish to discuss child protection or any associated matter further, please contact

Mr G McMillan (Head Teacher) or Ms M Hume (Depute Head Teacher); or the

Information Officer, Co-ordinated Services for Children and Young People.

CP Policy Nov 23.docx
Child Protection Overview.docx.pdf